Monday - Room 224 Audio Production 1 (CTE) | TSEHAY 


Course Description: Students will learn concepts, theories, and skills DESIGNED TO HELP

THEM capturE CLEAN audio for cinema AND MEDIA PRODUCTIONS. Students will learn how to

work with different departments within a production IN ORDER to get the best audio

possible from each scenario.  Students will receive on-the-job training through the

repetition of varying scenarios in the field.  We will study the science of acoustics, the


of two (2) exams throughout the year. Throughout the course, students will use Logic

X and be exposed to digital recording techniques, composition skills, as well as how

to collaborate and realize a director’s vision.


Tuesday & Thursday - Room 223 & 124 Screenwriting 1 | Obrow

CLASS CODE: 2vopkdo

Course Description: Screenwriting I is designed to develop the beginning 

story-tellers voice through idea development, the creation of log lines, synopsis’, 

and pitching and execution of a short form screenplay. Format and structure will 

be explored by examining existing screenplays and how they translate to the 

screen. Objectives will include meeting the student's commitment to festival 



Wednesday - Room 208 UC Film & Video Production 1 (CTE) | Hall


Course Description: Students will explore the language of the camera and learn to 

utilize and control the visual elements of: composition, lighting, tone, color and 

camera movement.  Students will become intimately familiar with the Cinematic 

Arts Department’s equipment including, cameras, lenses and additional camera 

supports.  Students will study the work of accomplished cinematographers and be 

introduced to techniques used by directors of photography designed to heighten 

audience experience and engagement as well as  enhance the emotional resonance 

of visual storytelling.


Friday - Room 129 PRODUCTION 1 | HALL 


Course Description: Film & Video Production 1 combines theory and hands-on practice

with the goal of building foundational production skills. In this class, students will

create several short form productions while honing basic skills of visual story

telling. Students will learn methods and techniques to aid them in transforming

written words into motion pictures. This course is designed to teach students

fundamental and technical skills of single camera, digital cinema production. This will

include script analysis, storytelling and inspiration methods, script and shot list

breakdowns, directing actors, camera angles, exploration of light, color, and sound,

and editing/post- production techniques. 


Monday - Room 124 Immersive & Interactive Storytelling 2 | Dalton


Course Description: Interactive Storytelling in Virtual and Augmented Reality is an 

introductory course designed to expose and expand student’s knowledge, 

understanding, comprehension and enthusiasm for Virtual and Augmented Reality 

technology. The year-long course provides students with the historical context and 

evolution of VR and AR technology by blending hands-on instruction with concept 

ideation, student-driven analysis and presentations, guest lectures and workshops 

from experts within the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality. 


Tuesday - Room 128 History of WORLD Cinema 2 | LITTLE

CLASS CODE: uin3oj4

Course Description: Some argue that classical Hollywood style remains the dominant 

mode for cinematic storytelling, yet a range of national traditions have arisen 

alongside and in opposition to this belief. This course will explore, examine, analyze 

and survey world cinema history from a focused perspective on aesthetics and 

unique storytelling. Through a close study of diverse international styles and genres

of films, we will seek to understand influential directors, movements, and industries in 

the development of popular art and experimental filmmaking outside of the U.S. In so 

doing, students will hone their knowledge, intellectual tools, cinematic vocabulary, 

and methods necessary to analyze cinema.


Wednesday - Room 223 CA Directing 2 | Dalton 


Course Description: Students will work with professional actors and participate in 

conversations with casting directors in order to gain increased understanding of 

character development, acting/directing techniques and the casting process. Students 

will learn the intricacies of breaking down a script and learn effective methods to 

properly communicate with actors with the goal of enhancing their ability to 

successfully articulate and execute their directorial vision. 


Thursday - Room 208 UC Film & Video Production 2 (CTE) | Gibler 


Course Description: This course consists of hands-on practice with the

department’s high-end cameras and production equipment. This is a required

course that will deepen students’ confidence and awareness when handling and 

utilizing equipment and provide and in-depth overview proper procedures and on-set 

safety measures. The course will focus heavily on peer critiques and reviews, class 

readings, technical seminars, and informal lectures on photographic histories and 

contemporary practices, with a emphasis on the history and contemporary use of 

digital photography. Students will work in groups to create short form content for

the Cinematic Arts Department’s social media and online platforms including, Vimeo, 

Youtube, Instagram and Sound Cloud pages. Instructional videos, and content that 

highlights social and pop culture commentary will be produced to share knowledge 

as well as develop and increase online engagement and viral presence. 


Friday - Room 119 Producing 2 | BABBITT 


Course Description: Students will continue the process of honing their camera skills 

and production knowledge while working with professional photography and 

cinematography equipment. They will work both individually and in groups with 

hands-on instruction and exercises that hone and refine their visual storytelling

skills. Students will learn advanced techniques and effective methods of

communicating and articulating their vision and ideas to their grips and gaffers that

mimic real world, on set protocols and etiquette.


Monday - Room 208 UC Digital Photography 3 (CTE) | Khan


Course Description:  This course presents an in-depth overview of the real-world 

aspects of producing as practiced in the various sectors of the entertainment

industry, from pre- production through post-production. The class will simulate

different scenarios producers face with throughout their career and empower

students to become creative problem solvers. Topics will include : Content creation,

pitching and selling ideas, creating a pitch deck, on-set etiquette, on-set paperwork,

securing locations, permits, insurance, and funding, script breakdown and scheduling

using Movie Magic, budgeting, post-production logistics, submitting to festivals and 

Production Booklets. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to 

understand various stages of production, from the creative aspects to specific 

logistical execution. Students will have a comprehensive understanding of all of the 

paperwork and forms necessary for pre-production as well as demonstrate knowledge 

of Movie Magic Budgeting and Scheduling. Students will be required to create a 

production book demonstrating their ability to produce a short film of their own.


Tuesday & Thursday - Room 124 & 223 Screenwriting 3 | Dalton


Course Description: Third year screenwriting students will begin to explore the full- 

length screenplay, structure paradigms, and the process of developing subtext in 

dialogue and character development. Additional focus will be on the rewrite process 

to integrate notes and raise the level of execution. Lab time and one-on-one sessions 

will be included to allow guidance for festival projects. 


Wednesday - Room 122 Documentary Filmmaking 3 | Grano 


Course Description: Documentary Filmmaking 3 will guide students through all 

phases of the documentary filmmaking production process, from conception to 

completion, on their short film submissions to the various Cinematic Arts Film 

Festivals. This lab style class will provide students with the opportunity to

collaborate with one another, under the guidance and tutelage of their instructor.

The course will incorporate peer reviews and critiques on script development, dallies,

and rough cuts of students’ short films with the goal of enhancing and refining

students’ visual non-fiction storytelling abilities. 


Friday - Room 208 Cinematic Arts Master Class 3 | OBROW 


Course Description: This lecture/workshop style class is the LACHSA Cinematic Arts 

Department’s version of “Inside the Actors’ Studio”.  This course will provide students 

with the rare opportunity to intimately converse and learn from industry

professionals in a candid, Q & A format. Past guest speakers include: Thomas Newman

(1917, Finding Nemo), Maggie Kiley (Riverdale, American Horror Story), Clancy Brown 

(SpongeBob Squarepants, The Shawshank Redemption), Matt Nix (Burn Notice, The 

Gifted), Niki Caro (Whale Rider, North Country), Mandy Walker (Hidden Figures, 

Beastly) and many others.  Depending on the guest, students will have their worked 

critiqued and receive feedback from visiting professionals.


Monday - Room 129 History of AMERICAN Cinema 4 | OBROW


Course Description: This course delves into the history of American 

cinema and several representative genres. Topics covered include, the Hollywood 

style, film techniques, the studio system, the star system, the viewing of films and their 

relationship to society as a medium. Students view and study specific films 

coordinated with Study Guide units. Brief lectures to introduce films and draw 

connections with reading assignments, viewing of films and clips with occasional 

instructor commentary, self-tests that address important concepts in text and study 

guide, In-class quizzes that reinforce and help clarify key elements of reading 

assignments and viewings, large and small group discussions of films, small-group 

and individual written reports/reviews that address discussion topics in handouts.


Tuesday - Room 208 Advanced Cinematography 4 | Babbitt 


Course Description: This course is designed to support professional development 

for senior-level students, with an emphasis on advanced cinematography techniques, 

equipment and on-set workshops and demonstrations.  Topics and lessons covered 

include, but are not limited to: Lighting for interviews, Shot-Reverse-Shot, Dramatic 

and Comedic scene lighting, exterior lighting setups, supplementing and controlling 

light, quality of light, quantity and intensity of light, shaping and shadows, and 

creating  a visual mood and language with light. Camera movements and techniques  

covered include: handheld, tripod, gimbal, dolly, and slider operation; and 

techniques for shooting Narrative (Drama/Comedy/Horror), Documentary, 

Music Video/Performance, Reality and Unscripted productions. For the final project, 

students will be tasked with building a resume and reel to showcase their talents and 

skills. This exercise will help develop knowledge of what those who hire will 

be looking for in a potential crew member/camera operator/director of photography. 


Wednesday - Room 124 Thesis Prep 4 | Gibler


Course Description: Thesis Prep 4 will offer one-on-one and class 

exercises as well as lab time for 4th-year students to develop and refine their 

thesis projects. Idea development will focus on original ideas as well as adapting 

existing IP into screenplay format and aid in the pre-production, filming, and post-

production processes. Class interaction will include live readings and class

discussion to help in using feedback constructively. 


Thursday - Room 127 College Prep 4 | Hall


Course Description: The first semester of this course is designed to support, advise 

and assist seniors as they organize, prepare and compile all of the elements required 

for college applications, including, but not limited to, letters of recommendations, 

essays, reels and short film portfolios. The second semester of this course will be a

lab class that will aid and advise students in the best practices in transitioning from

high school to college, as well as highlight and explore methods to increase

professional advancement, such as internships, mentorships and networking



Friday - Room 208 Cinematic Arts Master Class 4 | Hanna 


Course Description: This lecture/workshop style class is the LACHSA Cinematic Arts 

Department’s version of “Inside the Actors’ Studio”.  This course will provide students 

with the rare opportunity to intimately converse and learn from industry

professionals in a candid, Q & A format. Past guest speakers include: Thomas Newman

(1917, Finding Nemo), Maggie Kiley (Riverdale, American Horror Story), Clancy

Brown (SpongeBob Squarepants, The Shawshank Redemption), Matt Nix (Burn Notice,

The Gifted), Niki Caro (Whale Rider, North Country), Mandy Walker (Hidden

Figures, Beastly) and many others.  Depending on the guest, students will have their

worked critiqued and receive feedback from visiting professionals.


Period 3: (M, W, F) Room 208 - Film & Video Production (CTE) | DALTON


Course Description: Film & Video Production combines theory and hands-on practice

with the goal of building foundational production skills. In this class, students will

create several short form productions while honing basic skills of visual story

telling. Students will learn methods and techniques to aid them in transforming

written words into motion pictures. This course is designed to teach students

fundamental and technical skills of single camera, digital cinema production. This will

include script analysis, storytelling and inspiration methods, script and shot list

breakdowns, directing actors, camera angles, exploration of light, color, and sound,

and editing/post- production techniques. 

Period 5: (T, TH, F) ROOm 208 - COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (CTE) | Hall


Course Description: COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY is a production lab in which

students work to produce individual and group projects. Students will receive on-the-

job training throughout the duration of their narrative projects, such as the “silent

film” and the “short narrative”. Throughout the course, students will enhance

technical skills in the areas of: visual storytelling, storyboarding, lighting, audio,

shot composition, sound design, and editing. Students will learn hard skills necessary

to obtain COMMERCIAL production jobs in the media production industry, including, but

not limited to: PHOTOGRAPHER, producer, director, art director, camera operator,

assistant camera, audio technician, director of photography, script supervisor, and
